Semper Honoris Navy

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An honorable rest for real-life heroes​

The members of the United States Navy are in charge of ensuring the defense of the nation, either by sea or by land. They have been trained for combat, the use of war machines and military tactics that guarantee the fulfillment of their mission and they are willing to give their lives if it implies it’s their duty.

These people are real life heroes, so when they pass away, they deserve to be honored as such. It is for this reason that the funeral service offer the families of those who have been part of the Armed Forces the right to receive a funeral ceremony with military honors that enhance the work of those that served their country with commitment and loyalty.

This farewell offers two uniformed officials, the folding and delivery of the flag, as well as the tribute with the cornet as a token of gratitude for the delivery and dedication of the veterans, of those who completed their military service, receiving an honorable discharge and of those who died in combat, leaving the name of the nation high and serving by example to future generations.

Our mission is to honor the fallen​

Our main mission is to give all the honors to the fallen heroes of our air force. We offer services according to your needs and budget. ​

Preregister for your veteran benefits and honors