Semper Honoris Marines

In Difficult Times, We Take Care Of Everything


Learn more about our services.

In Semper Honoris we have various types of funeral services at an affordable cost and adaptable to any budget, we have funeral services for members of the Air Force, Army, Navy, Marines, Coast Guard and the Special Forces.


Honorary farewell for honorable heroes

The United States of America is a nation that shows deep pride in its military power, especially the Marine Corps and its members, the Marines, who project the army’s strength by land and sea. It is for this reason that there is a Law that orders the performance of military honors to all those citizens who have rendered their service to their Armed Forces, giving their life and work to preserve national security and guarantee the well-being of the peoples.

If your loved one in life was part of the US Marine Corps, then you can request at his funeral ceremony to pay tribute to his military career, not only to honor his memory, but also to exalt his life and dedication for his country.

We offer family members and friends a funeral ceremony with the appropriate military protocol to guarantee a dignified farewell to those who served their nation with honor, by presenting the requirements that prove the deceased as an active member, in retirement condition or veteran of the American Navy.

Preregister for your veteran benefits and honors