Semper Honoris Army

In Difficult Times, We Take Care Of Everything


Learn more about our services.

In Semper Honoris we have various types of funeral services at an affordable cost and adaptable to any budget, we have funeral services for members of the Air Force, Army, Navy, Marines, Coast Guard and the Special Forces.


An honorable farewell to a hero of the nation

Those who have dedicated their lives to the service of their country deserve to be honored at their funeral ceremony with honors that highlight the fulfillment of their duty and that offer recognition to their family and friends for their dedication.

Ours services are offered to the relatives of the deceased who have the respective accreditation as a member of the American Army, as veterans and active officials, who have died of natural causes, accidents, illness or in the exercise of their functions, to provide a last goodbye, for having been part of a State Defense organization.

With this formal farewell, the work of those who in life with courage and dignity put their country above their own well-being is honored, thus honoring the loyalty and commitment shown in the Army corps. The funeral ceremony includes the participation of two guards representing the military, who will carry out the folding of the Flag and deliver it to the closest family member, in addition to the sound of the traditional cornet to say goodbye with patriotic honors.

Our mission is to honor the fallen

Our main mission is to give all the honors to the fallen heroes of our air force. We offer services according to your needs and budget.

Preregister for your veteran benefits and honors