Semper Honoris Air Force

In Difficult Times, We Take Care Of Everything


Learn more about our services.

In Semper Honoris we have various types of funeral services at an affordable cost and adaptable to any budget, we have funeral services for members of the Air Force, Army, Navy, Marines, Coast Guard and the Special Forces.


Honors to fallen heroes

When a member of the United States Air Force dies, family members may apply to the funeral home for the option of rendering military funeral honors. It is a way of paying homage to the military career of someone who was an official in life committed to his nation and willing to sacrifice himself, if necessary, to guarantee the fulfillment of his duty.

The ceremony includes two military officials who will accompany the service, the folding and presentation of the Flag to the closest family member as a sign of respect and gratitude, in addition to the interpretation of the traditional “Taps”, which with its cornet signals the farewell of a veteran.

Similarly, it is possible to request a burial in a national cemetery, in the state veterans cemetery or in a private one, we will coordinate the requirements to facilitate the process and support family members in these difficult times.

Our mission is to honor the fallen

Our main mission is to give all the honors to the fallen heroes of our air force. We offer services according to your needs and budget.

Preregister for your veteran benefits and honors